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Commercial Sales Transformation at Microsoft

Main Category : Business Management

Sub Category : Organization Structure, Sales Transformation
B-School : Harvard Business School

Learning Outcomes
1. Understand the various elements that need to be addressed when revamping sales organisations
2. Discuss the challenges involved in transforming the sales strategy of a well-established firm.



Crisis at the Mill: Weaving an Indian Turnaround

Main Category : Business Management

Sub Category : Business Turnaround
B-School : Insead

Learning Outcomes
1. Experience developing a plan of action when dealing with a company in distress.
2. Understand the short-term performance improvement measures during a turnaround situation
3. Understand the pressures management teams g through in seeking the right ingredients for a successful and sustainable turnaround.



Bikes & Co. Ltd: Business Turnaround

Main Category : Business Management

Sub Category : Business Turnaround
B-School : Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario

Learning Outcomes
1. Understand that the concept of business transformation is an integrated activity and fully owned by all stakeholders
2. Outline how business processes can be changed to deliver consumer delight at every step of the journey
3. Prioritize various initiatives within a transformational process



ServiceNow: From Startup to World's Most Innovative Company

Main Category : Strategy

Sub Category : Service Management, Entrepreneurship
B-School : IBS, Hyderabad

Learning Outcomes
1. Understand the qualities of a successful entrepreneur.
2. Understand the issues and challenges in managing growth and business continuity of an enterprise.
3. Appreciate the role of innovation and professionalization in shaping the future of a company.
4. Analyze how a company can use technology to solidify a competitive advantage.
5. Evaluate how a customer-focused culture can help in the growth of a company.



Tesco : From Troubles to Turnaround

Main Category : Business Management

Sub Category : Turnaround, Financial Analysis
B-School : Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario

Learning Outcomes
1. Understand the retail trends of the supermarket industry
2. Identify the challenges of Tesco
3. Understand and apply various financial assessment tools and techniques
4. Prepare and review the best course of action for Tesco going forward


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