//$query1="SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "CASE_TABLE WHERE case_status = '1' AND case_featured = '1' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";
//$results = read_array_row(DB_HOSTNAME,DB_USERNAME,DB_PASSWORD,DB_DATABASE,$query);
What is it
The case method of learning was pioneered by the faculty at the
Harvard Business School.
To make the most of the case-based learning approach, participants must read and reflect on the case literature prior to the programme.
There are no simple solutions. However, through interaction, exchanging perspectives and guidance from the facilitator, participants place themselves
in the role of the decision maker and learn to analyse issues, exercise judgment and challenge assumptions.
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B-School Case Studies
The case based learning approach is suitable for individual contributors and managers alike.
The cases are categorized by topics typically found in B-School MBA programmes. Select the featured cases aligned to your desired learning outcomes or
contact us to design a customised curriculum.
To make the case based learning more interactive, facilitators include polls and quizzes to improve the learning experience.
Participants use their smartphones to connect and respond to the presentation - after which aggregated results are visible in real-time to everyone.
Featured Case
Main Category : SustainabilitySub Category : Sustainability,Strategy,CSR
B-School : Amity Research Centre |
Learning Outcomes 1. To understand the role of fast-food industry towards waste and cleaner environment 2.
To understand the significance of sustainable packaging and cleaner environment 3.
To understand the analysis of McDonald's Iconic Trash Campaign 4.
Assessment of McDonald's effort towards sustainable packaging 5.
To understand and analyse the challenges underlying for McDonald's to fulfil its sustainability goals
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