Onboarding. The View from the C-suite
"People need to see the view from the C-suite in order to feel truly connected to the problem solving that must be done at al levels and on all teams,
so that the company is spotting issues and opportunities in every corner of the business and effectively acting on them. The irony is that companies have
invested so much in training programs of all sorts and spent so much time and effort to incentivize and measure performance, but they've failed to actually
explain to all of their employees how their business runs."
Chapter 2. Every Single Employee Should Understand the Business.Powerful-Building a Culture of Freedom and ResponsibilityPatty McCord, former Chief Talent Officer at Netflix.
The Best Model is Your Model
When it comes to teaching newcomers about your business, we don’t start with workshops to teach you our model.
We work with you to build the components of how your business works in real terms. A deep understanding of how, precisely, your business
creates value is vital to a lasting and realistic experience that you can use over and over again as a core mechanism to rapidly align newcomers
and employees alike to implement your strategy.
We do Business Simulations
We are passionate about delivering work that sets our clients up for the long term, with a solution so good that it lasts.
Our unique solutions are used by some of the world’s best companies year in, year out, because they have been designed with care, passion and accuracy, to truly reflect the reality of your business.
As one of our global clients puts it :
"Using this approach, we can “pressure test” new ways of working by bringing teams together, iterating and improving against a financial model that responds and adapts in a way that mirrors our business reality."
Customisation for your Business and Industry