ProfitAbility SE Asia

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Case Page > Case 21

Tata Motors: Can the Turnaround Plan improve Performance?

Main Category : Financial Analysis

Sub Category : Financial Analysis, SWOT, Ratio Analysis

Case Description
Tata Motors Limited, an Indian automobile manufacturer, had been struggling with decreasing market share and profitability, which was affecting the company's share price. After the appointment of a new chief executive officer in 2016, the company undertook several re-organization programs to revive its financial health and improve its market share. However, it still registered heavy losses in the first nine months of fiscal year 2018-19. Was there more that the company could do to improve the company's position and regain lost investor confidence?

Learning Outcomes
1. Learn to use financial tools such as ratio analysis, peer comparison technique, trend analysis, and common size analysis of financial statements to understand a company's financial position
2. Conduct a SWOT analysis to understand the company's competitive position in the automobile industry, which was undergoing various regulatory and technological changes
3. Propose the best course of action to turn the company around.

Duration : Up to 120 Mins

Min Participants : 10
Max Participants : 24

Keywords : Tata,Financial Analysis,SWOT,DuPont Analysis,Automobile, Ratio Analysis, Finance

Case Page > Case 21

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